Information for photographers
Are you a photographer and you're interested in exhibiting your work in the LUMIERE.GALLERY?
The LUMIERE.GALLERY exhibitions are curated by Swiss cultural entrepreneur, filmmaker and photographer Steff Gruber and his team.
We are interested in engaging with as many photographers as possible, regardless of whether you are an established photographer or a newcomer to the business.
We are open to the following genres:
Art projects
Landscapes and nature photography
Architectural photography
Documentary photography
Scenic photography
Nude studies
Street photography
Photo stories
Experimental photography
Hybrid forms combining photography/painting
Technical details
One exhibition usually consists of between 30 and 60 photos.
Pictures must be submitted in jpeg format (2048 pixels wide, or in portrait format 2048 pixels long).
A biography and short explanatory text are published with every exhibition and should be provided by each artist. LUMIERE.GALLERY provides a link to the artists' websites.
A poster or collective advertising poster will be produced for each exhibition. These posters will be displayed via the network of Switzerland's largest cultural advertising company, ALIVE Media AG, and published in Zürich on digital advertising screens.
The printed exhibition posters can be purchased through LUMIERE.GALLERY. Digital copies can be downloaded from the website.
Past exhibitions can be viewed in the archive.
Purchase requests for individual pictures will be forwarded to the artists free of charge.
LUMIERE.GALLERY will be advertised on the internet on websites and in social media networks and connected to artists' websites via a link.
Image rights
LUMIERE.GALLERY reserves the right to select one of the exhibited images to use in a poster. The artist receives no payment for the featured image. The posters will be offered to potential buyers in an online store. All proceeds from the sale of posters will go to LUMIERE.GALLERY.
All image rights remain with the photographers.
If you are interested in exhibiting your work, please send a short description of your project, a sample picture and a link to your website to: photo@lumiere.gallery